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Cancer Researchers Launch Campaign

California’s leading cancer research doctors support the California Cancer Research Act, which will provide more than $500 million a year to find new ways to detect, treat, prevent and cure cancer and other tobacco-related illnesses.

Our goals are simple:

Our goal is to save lives. Despite continuing advancements in medical treatment and prevention, cancer remains a leading cause of death in California, with more than 140,000 Californians diagnosed with cancer every year.

Our goal is to protect California’s kids. The tobacco industry is still recruiting new customers. Over the last decade, Big Tobacco spent 10 times as much marketing tobacco in California as the state spent on tobacco education.

Our goal is to protect your tax dollars
. Funding decisions are made by experts in research and representatives of groups like the American Cancer Society – not politicians.


Help us gather 700,000 signatures for this cause.

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"Hope 2010 will prevent tens of thousands of children from becoming smokers by keeping California’s model anti-smoking programs strong and effective."

- Dr. Frederic Herskowitz, Board Member, American Lung Association


The simple, ugly truth is this: We have to do this ourselves because the politicians never will.

Some have tried, only to run into the political brick wall that tobacco companies have carefully built to protect themselves and their deadly products.


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